Blackout is a Indian Hindi comedy Drama film released in 2024 . This movie produced by Shasin Bhavsar , Release in 7 june , Story came a bigger town during blackout , Leni found ourself in a wrong place and wrong timing when his car was sudden collide,Here a death body , gold and money stole keep in the car He know that the van belong a powerful and dangerous crininal man. 







Leni came with three stuoid guys and save the city in the blackout from the anarchy, During this work they faces the different kinds of problems .

During the blackout crime was increases so the police doubt All of mans ,And other criminal want use the blackout system and stole the shops and want to take the all properties of stolen.
Everybody have a secret goal , while leni have a problem that he cant trust anybody .

A powerful politician who join in a illegal work and hide in our politics effect.
Leni group hava a unknown person who work with the crininals .
Leni uses our intelligence and understandig for our live in the blackout .

LEeni show the crininals and catch them with police he taking help with his friends and do it ,he show the truth of operation back ,down the fouad leader and clean our name .
Film end with the light came in the town and blackout end , who statue of the property , leni taking a help with new probability during the blackout , future of shruti and leni show the diffrenece , So make a place for explanation.

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