Tumbadd is a Horror action Drama film ,It is Directed by Rahi Anil Brave . This movie gain very popularty beccouse of his story .There story makes this movie gretest movie of all time lets know about this movie .


This movie begins with a ancient palace  where a king rule but suddenly he fall and died.and here a female lady work for his then she jobless and she decided to leave the city but this female lady live in a stone house where she lived with our 2 child and our mother who was curse by the god this curse make dangerous one day she was late so his child decide to give food to our grandmother ,and he give and then he goes outside and hi second son climb in a tree and both are talking but suddenly he fell to the tree and died so his mother know and she take his to a show a doctor , and give order to wait on the house on his elder son so his elder son stay in home and in the night he go to feed the grandmother but his grandmother was curseable so she force and want to leave but he dont do and she break our bound and catch him and beat him but he tell the sentence who learn to her mother and his grandmother was sleep.

Then his mother came and she start crying becouase his younger son was died and she leave the tumbadd and goes in a town but tumbadd have the most tressure who keep in the Kokh of Devi ,

When he's grown up then he came tumbadd and go to our older home here her grandmother was alive becouse the curse was make any people who live 400 to 500 years alive only food So he came and talk to her and ask  for the tressure so she tell him about tressure and he gone to search the tressure in the palace and he searched .

Then he return to his home here he sell the gold coin and he riched by selling the gold coin he got married and he's got a child this process going to long time ,one day some peoples came and says the tumbadd was cover under the government of india , so he decided to get the all coin from tumbadd and children tell the idea he say that ,Dad when we go into the cave so make so much food for huster when he goes for one so we throw another so he busy in eat and we take his all coin his dad was impressed by his son and he agree to his son idea .

So he's gone into the palace and the cave but here this phenomena is going to opposite to his idea he's gone into the cave and when he take out food then one huster is came and then when he take out the all food so there many huster were come so his dad was scared and then his dad was decided to take the all food and he tied with his and all huster follow him and destroyed by the circle who was make by his dad becouse this circle was the curse of the husters the husters cant pass the circle in the last scene his dad was beat by the husters and he was cursed so his son decided to burn then and kill becouse this curse  make the body very bad the body cant be usable .

Here The story ends .

I hope u like the story of Tumbadd Movie .I sugget u to watch the movie.