Moana is a hollywood Hindi English action thriller animation movie directed by Dana ledoux miller and distributed by Walt disney studio this movie is released in 29 November 2024 the movie earns approximately 404 million Dollers. 


The movie begins with moana who go for searching a island in the see but cant found and returned home in the next the mavi who is a god and moana freind was kidnapped by his sister becouse she want to help with moana and mavi tatoo want to take help with moana but mavi cant response in the next the moana and his sister was enjoyed and moana dad want to make maona to his village leader and when they do all the fuctions and time for drinking the water who make moana leader sudden  a thunder in the sky happen and fall in the moana cup and moana see his ancient peoples and god who show them and say things.

The anceint peoples say that search the tao island in the middle of the see meet peoples otherwise we all are die without meeting with everyone so moana make a plan and take some friends in the island and leave fro searching the island in the middle of the see he meets some coconut type creatures who catch the moana and his friend and then the coconut type peoples saw them that they would searching a island thats we want and then he relese them and help him to find the way for going home and in front of their a big octopus standing who eat all the ships and then they make plan to kill the octopus and then they do.

And they fall in octopus inner body where mavi was was prison of his sister and he release when they comes and here mavi see the moana hen then he ask about moana and they tell them we dont know we both fall diffrent sides so mavi search the moana and moana was very happy to see the mavi then they both are very happy to see each other and then she tell him that we leaving for searching the hide island who is in the see so here mavi said that moana here are my sister who is kill evryone so moana said we meet sometimes before and then a magic is happen and then the way is open for searching the island .

And all of position in a new place where the journey  begun and then they reached here a thunderstorm  who want to kill all the humans who come here for release the island and then he stand in front of them and then they fight with the thunderstorm and he is very powerful so moana make a plan that the thunderstorm only want  to kill the humans but not god so he sent mavi to the inner of the thunderstorm and then they try to release in the island in the sea but he failed and when moana touched the island the cursed was break and island is release and they were very happy to see them and then they all come home and all the island were meet.