Thukra ke mera pyaar is a Drama Romance web series released in Hotstar Disney this web series based on a IAS offficer the web serires begins with Chauhan family who belongs to UP district sitarpur and they rule the sitarpur and in sitarpur a family will be live who is also a Chauhan so in there family they have a son and a doughter and father and mother .

 And in Chauhan they have very big family and Chauhan have a doughter name shanvika who is very rude and there a collage who is own chauhan family in this collage the all students are sitarpur read in this collage and chauhan doughter read so the topper of this collage boy who is belong to a very poor family and the shanvika wants to love him and she decide to love him and said him that i will fall in love with u but he  said no i am not interested and then shanvika is very angry with him.

And challange him that if i would top the collage so as like i say u have to do so the boy accept and she cheat in the collage and top the collage and she saerch him and kiss him and they both fall in love with each other and one day they both will be cought and she will not stand with him so his uncles and father beat his family badly and kill his mother and sister so they both leave the village and gone to the delhi.

Here their situation is very bad so he decide to run a erikshaw and he rent a erickshaw and run then one day he meet a girl who is daily ride with him in erikshaw and they both talked with each other that she said that u want to prepare for UPSC he siad ok and after sometime they both have good friend and then she call him to meet his father and then both prepare upsc together and then exam comes so he passed the exam and she failed so he give upppsc exam sometime before so she said if i willl not succed in this exam i give my interview very perfectly i thought it was clear and she clear the upppsc exam and she would be a officer and then he clear the ias exam but in the interview day her mother was accident by a tempo and she go to coma and she died .

Then they were very said and then when he becomes IAS he come to his village where he lived and first meet chauhan becouse they beats his family very bad and then a minister name daddu prasad come to meet the ias officer and thy both deal to kill the chauhan family and he marry the ministre doughter and but its a part of dealing.